Monday, January 12, 2015

Looks I Love {Wintertime}

It is COLD in New York! Last week it hit a low of 7 degrees and that's not even counting wind chill. When it reaches a temperature that low I want to never leave my house. Suffice it to say, I've been having a lot of hearty soups and warm tea. And not just because it was so cold, but because I also got a bad chest cold and all I wanted was warm food. 
Mixing neutral colors: blush, beige, gray

Kendi Everyday: Poppy Palette
Wear bright colors to stand out

The Clothes Horse: Outfit: Dog Days
Sweater dress + hat + scarf + booties!

Sweater weather
Love this over-sized embellished sweater

Polka dots
Cute polka dot coat!

The Modern Travel Uniform Is Surprisingly Chic #refinery29  A tailored, streamlined coat plus tall boots means you can wear anything underneath — even your pajamas, if you're so inclined. A fluffy scarf and hat double as a pillow and sleep mask (and let you get away with smushed airplane hair, too). Lauren Manoogian Beret, $138, available at La Garçonne; Helmut Lang Cashmere Silk Gauze Scarf, $185, available at Helmut Lang; The Fifth ...
An outfit with vintage flair!

Stay warm out there, friends!

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